Thank you so much to all of our soft plastic contributors who have diligently scoured every inch of the homes and garages to help us reach the 500 lbs. mark necessary for ordering a free bench from NexTrex. We actually turned in 501 lbs. just to say we did. We still had a lot of plastic left over and decided to give it to First Lutheran Church because they helped us out with plastic when we were panicking because we thought we wouldn’t have enough. They are collecting again for a second bench at their Church.
Then, we knew that people wanted to continue collecting the plastic for good causes, so we added a blurb on Facebook that we would give our containers and help to another Chaut. Co. nonprofit who was interested in this project.
Fluvanna Cemetery was the first to respond, and we are happy to help. We have left one container at the Fenton Research Center at the Hall House for the convenience of our local contributors and have already passed on a carload of plastic that came in during the last week. The Fluvanna Cemetery will also have a drop off place and their contacts are:
Sherry Shay, 716-664-7211, or email
Mary Turney, 716-386-4923 or email