The Ides of March are upon us. What does that mean? The Ides of March refers to the full moon falling in the middle of the month, usually on the 15th. This year the full moon is March 7th. I can’t believe it is already March! The staff and volunteers continue to be busy changing exhibits, making repairs, and sprucing up the place. We still have pictures to hang and display cases to be filled, which hopefully, all of our exhibits for the Roaring 20s will be done by May.
Our first lecture in our Lecture Series is Wednesday, April 12th at 1:00 pm. Norman Carlson will be talking about the Shearman-Davis murders in Busti. The Shearman-Davis murders occurred in December of 1894 and were unsolved. Come learn about this fascinating story! The Lecture will be held in the Dining Room at the Fenton History Center. The lecture is free, however, a donation is always welcome!
Don’t forget to sign up for the Fenton Travelers Bus Tour to the Genesee Country Village and Jell-O Museum on Wednesday, August 16th. There are only 25 seats, so get your reservation in as soon as possible. Send a $25 deposit to the Fenton History Center, or you may pay $105 for the trip up front. The trip fee is non-refundable, but is transferrable. (Meals are not included). We promise you will have a good time!
We would like to apologize to those who have tried to contact us via phone. We are down to one phone in the Mansion that can take outside calls. New phones are going to be installed soon, just not soon enough. Please bear with us until this frustrating situation is taken care of. Do you think Governor Fenton ever used Carrier Pigeons to send messages? At this point it would be better than our phone system…just sayin!
Please renew your membership if you haven’t done so already. All of our members are very important to us and are considered part of the Fenton History Center family. The best part of being a member is free admission all year long. Just a reminder that membership renewal for everyone is January 1st and your membership expires on December 31st of every year.
“May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
The rains fall soft upon your fields,
And, until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.”
- Irish Blessing