
Genealogy Support Group to Introduce Research Nights

It is hard to believe that we have been meeting for seven years. Having said that we plan to continue going forward with some of the same programs while we look for new ideas.

One of our oldest traditions is the January Lock-In, a great 12 hour time working with old friends and new friends. This year it will be held on January 14th from 10AM to 10PM. Plan to come and work with others to solve some of your challenges. Our November meeting is always Solving Your Brick Walls so plan to join us with your Brick Wall Challenge or bring us your solution for the Brick Wall that you broke in 2022.

We have some innovative ideas for 2023 in both format and times for our meetings. We plan to hold our meetings in the winter months from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. as many of us do not like being out late on the dark snowy evenings. February, April, and June will be open research. Plan to bring a friend who wants to get started or to get back to their research for one of those evenings. In July we plan to visit the Warren County Genealogy Library, details to be worked out. As our August Open House was such a great success last year, we plan to hold it again this year. 

The schedule will be posted each month in the Walnut Grove Press as to topic and times so keep a close eye on that.  If you are not currently on our Support Group mailing list, just let us know and we can add you.

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