Family is a word that holds different meanings for different people, but at its core, family is not defined solely by bloodlines. It is defined by love, connection, and mutual support. For example Abraham Lincoln once said “There is no greater joy than to be with family.” This is extremely true whether your time spent with one’s family is the one bound by DNA or bound by ties of a close knit friend group. As well as the person who has helped you when you felt like you were at your weakest and your new family that you have grown to love and appreciate.
One of the best examples we have about families being related by genetics is the Fenton family itself. For example Reuben Fenton was married twice, first to Jane Frew Fenton. During that marriage Jane Frew would give birth to Jane Frew Fenton Knowles. Unfortunately, Jane would die soon after their daughter was born. Reuben remarried on June 12, 1844 to Elizabeth Scudder. During that marriage, Elizabeth and Reuben had three children: Josephine, Jeannette, and Reuben Earle. One of the most interesting items I found recently in our archives was an original copy of a letter that Reuben wrote to Jeannette. He writes “my dear Jeannette, to grapple steadily with a steady purpose and sound discipline with the temptations which lead you astray and overcome these. I believe you are doing well and I feel encouraged.” This is very fitting that Reuben would write letters like these as when this letter was written Reuben was the Governor of New York. Additionally, it must have been quite tough in some instances for Jeannette to not to be able to easily consult her father for advice when he was commonly home prior to being elected governor. Although I have a feeling that she ended up doing quite well for herself as she heeded the advice noted for her in the letter.
On the other hand, one example of how family means more than shared DNA and genetics is actually relevant to me. This year on August 8th I had the pleasure of being the officiant for my mom’s and stepdad’s wedding. That day is extremely important for me. My family size has expanded with the marriage of my mom and stepdad and my two stepbrothers. When my mother first started dating my now stepdad I was a bit scared of him and to be honest still am to a point. But now that he is in our life I really appreciate his insight and perspective. One of my favorite things about him is his expansive knowledge of cars and how they work. He really helps me understand cars. I have my license because he took time out of his busy schedule to assist me. I’m truly grateful.
We always hear about families this time of year. From watching famed Christmas movies such as It’s a Wonderful Life, A Charlie Brown Christmas, Elf, and The Polar Express to name a few. Family is not just the people we share DNA and genetics. It can be new people that come into your life. While it sometimes can be scary to have new people in one’s life, having new people can create great memories and reasons to be thankful. They are now part of your family for life! Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!