On July 15, over 80 people either participated or were in the audience as 14 Veterans were awarded Quilts of Valor. The Ceremony was held at Christ First United Methodist Church, during the Joseph P Dwyer Vets and Friends Coffee Hour.
Quilts of Valor is a nationwide organization, begun in 2003, and comprised of chapters of volunteer quilters who donate time and materials to make each quilt.
In the past, Western New York Quilters for a Cause has come from Hamburg, NY, to award quilts that they had made especially for Chautauqua County Veterans. On this occasion, a local quilt guild joined with handmade quilts so that all 14 Veterans were covered. Chautauqua Region Quilts of Valor, based at Quilters Haven Quilt Shop in Lakewood, is now fully accredited by the national organization, and together with WNY Quilters For a Cause, they honored each Veteran’s service as a quilt was put around their shoulders.
Unfortunately, two Veterans were unable to be present that day, and their quilts had already been made and their names had been put on a patch on the reverse side of the quilts. So, arrangements were made to invite these two Vets to the August Fenton Canteen where their audience would be the Canteen Vets and their family members. One of the two Vets called to ask if he could nominate his WWII Veteran friend to receive a quilt as well. Of Course!!
That sounds simple, but there is paperwork to file with the details of the service which is checked to authenticate that the information is true. Also, a chance meeting with another Vet and his wife at Tim Horton’s one Sunday afternoon led to another application to file. He had numerous opportunities to witness the QOV ceremonies and had finally decided he’d like to be a recipient. Perfect, and just enough time to add him to the list.
On Saturday morning, August 10th, the guests and their families, and the Canteen Vets enjoyed refreshments and each other until the ceremony began. Presenting the quilts this time were the Chautauqua Region Quilts of Valor representatives led by Cindy Conner. Each Vet talked about their service and their quilt was placed around their shoulders.
The quilts were awarded to Larry Canaley, William Christ Jr, Ralph Derby, and Bruce Zunner. Thank you, Sirs. We salute you.