Like all museums, the Fenton has many books. Often these are donated by people as they are downsizing. In our library we have an incredible assortment of books on the shelves relating to local history. As these are used as resources for research, we retain copies so as to be able to replace them as needed.
While sorting through our collections, we have found that we have an excess of some volumes and titles. We also have other books that were received as a part of a donation and just do not fit into the local history category. Each donor completes a form regarding their donation and their desire for its dispersal. One of the questions is that, if we cannot use the books, can we forward them to another museum or sell them? The wording on our donor sheet states: May be sold to benefit the Fenton History Center and Museum. With this in mind, we plan to place some of the vintage volumes in the Museum Gift Shop for sale.
An example of some of the titles that we have are: Centennial History of Chautauqua County, Historic Annals of Western New York Vol. 1 & 2, Centennial History of Chautauqua County, WWII in Pictures and WWI in Pictures. I am a bit intrigued by the book titled, The Perfect Woman 1903. I suspect that this has changed over the last 120 years. This is just a tiny portion of the list, and we hope you will want to purchase some of these books for your home libraries.
For those interested, we have a list of books available.