Military Room

Photographs, clothing, personal effects and equipment tell the stories of local men and women in the military from the Civil War through today.  Governor Fenton was a great friend to the Chautauqua County Civil War soldiers.  He earned their respect by visiting the wounded, providing free postage (franking) for their letters and helping in any way he could. He earned the name “The Soldier’s Friend” for his kindness and attention to the needs of the War of 1812 veterans.  Notice the remnants of the Civil War battle flag carried by the 112th NY Volunteers from Chautauqua County. It lasted for four battles.

This room was the last national headquarters for the Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R).  When the last Civil War veteran died, the records were sealed and sent to the Smithsonian in Washington D.C. by Miss Cora Gillis, National Secretary of the G.A.R.  The organization was officially dissolved on October 16, 1956. 

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