As many of you already know, we are without a director currently. The Search Committee is interviewing and expect to have a candidate in the very near future. In the interim, I, Janet Wahlberg, President of the Board of Trustees have been filling in. The staff continues with their daily work as usual. Other Board members and I, meet with them each Wednesday morning to keep them informed and to listen to their concerns.
As of the writing of this article, we have the Brown Bag Lunches scheduled and are very excited to share the interesting speakers and topics with you. They will be as always, the 2nd Wednesday of the month with one exception. Sara Reale, a former Education Director at the Fenton will present a program on the Ringling Circus on April 20th.
We have three new volunteers with us who are providing much needed assistance to the regular staff. We always have room for more folks to join us.
Dr. Tom Greer continues to serve the Fenton in many ways. On May 4th at Noon, we will dedicate the outdoor signage for his Archeology Dig. We will have some of the artifacts that he and his team have unearthed on display. It will be combined with a Birthday Party for Mrs. Fenton’s 198th birthday. In case you are wondering, she will be in attendance! All are welcome to attend this event.
Dr. Greer will also be conducting a Behind the Scenes Tour of the Mansion for the Board of Directors. We are very excited to experience this unique tour.
The Board lost long time members Rick Lundquist, Mike Rohlin, Kurt Johnson, and Steve Johnson in February. All had served the maximum time allowed on the Board. They have been replaced with Sharon Matson, Paul Bentley, Mike Johnson and Tom Goodwill. Our new members have jumped right in to join committees and look for work that needs done. I look forward to working with the Board to not only keep things running smoothly but to find ways to grow the Fenton.
The Hall House Research Center is putting the finishing touches on the Genealogy Conference to be held on Saturday, April 30 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. It will be held at the Fluvanna Community Church and will be combined with a History Fair. The History Fair is free. To register for the conference, you can go to our website