
Fenton Holds Annual Meeting; Trustees; 2023-24 Officers Elected

The Fenton Historical Society of Jamestown, New York held its 61st annual meeting at the Gov. Reuben Fenton Mansion, Wednesday, January 11, 2023.
President Janet Wahlberg called the meeting to order and welcomed members to the annual meeting.

The first order of business was the election of Trustees to fill vancancies on the Board. Elected as new Trustees were Kaycee Colburn, Hannah Jaroszynski, James Jarosynski, and Richard Lundquist. Lundquist previously served on the Board from 2013 to 2022 and had served as President from 2014 to 2017 and 2019 to 2022.

The next order of business was the election of officers for the 2023-2024 term. Janet Wahlberg was elected to a second term as President. Tom Goodwill was elected to a first term as the new Vice President. Mike Johnson was elected to a first full term as Secretary. Paul Bentley will serve as Secretary pro tempore as necessary. Angelo Cimo was elected to a fifth term as Treasurer.

In addition to the new Trustees and Officers, Paul Bentley, Sharon Matson, and Dave Painter also serve as Trustees. Marie Carrubba is the City of Jamestown’s representative to the Fenton Historical Society, serving on the Board as a non-voting member.

Outgoing Board members include Guy Ditonto, who finished his third term, having served on the Board since 2014. Outgoing Vice President Ashley Senske, who served on the Board since 2019, also stepped down.

President Janet Wahlberg introduced Jane Babinsky, Executive Director, who gave remarks. Babinsky introduced Therese Avedillo, the new Curator, who started this week at the Fenton.

President Janet Wahlberg introduced Jane Babinsky, Executive Director, who gave remarks. Babinsky introduced Therese Avedillo, the new Curator, who started this week at the Fenton. Andrew Kolstee, Office Manager, issued the Financial and IT reports. Dr. Tom Greer, Coordinator of the Walnut Grove Archaelogy Project, issued a report on on the project’s developments thsis year. Jack Ericson, Charter Member, gave a brief history of the Fenton and presented ideas for the future.

At the closing of the meeting, Certificates of Life Memberships were issued to Dr. Tom and Sally Greer and Jack Ericson for their many years of financial and volunteer support at the Fenton.

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